Andrew Taylor Still, MD, DOAndrew Taylor Still, MD, DO was the founder of Osteopathic medicine. Osteopathic medicine is dedicated to treating and healing the entire patient as a whole. An Osteopath will often use a treatment method called manipulation - a hands-on approach to assure that the body is moving freely as it was designed to do. Restoring this inherent motion is critical to proper functioning of human anatomy and physiology. It affects everything from fluid flow to immune functioning and is essential to the overall health of the body, mind, and spirit of each patient.A.T. Still Bronze Bust © artist H.T. Holden courtesy of Northwest Oklahoma Osteopathic Foundation. Are they a real doctor? A doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (D.O.) is a physician licensed to perform surgery and prescribe medication. Like an M.D., an Osteopath completes 4 years of medical school and can choose to practice in any specialty of medicine. However, Osteopaths receive an additional 300 to 500 hours in the study of hands-on manual medicine and the body's musculoskeletal system. What's the difference between an M.D. and a D.O.? Osteopathic medicine is dedicated to treating and healing the entire patient as a whole. An Osteopath will often use a treatment method called manipulation - a hands-on approach to assure that the body is moving freely. This free motion ensures that all of your body's natural healing systems are free to work unhindered. The Osteopath's highly developed sense of touch allows the physician to palpate (feel) the patient's "living anatomy" (the flow of fluids, motion and texture of tissues, and structural make-up). The Osteopath's job is to "set" the body to heal itself. How does a D.O. set the body to heal itself? To do so, the Osteopath gently applies a precise amount of force to promote healthy movement of tissues, eliminate abnormal movements, and release compressed bones and joints. In addition, the areas being treated require proper positioning to assist the body's ability to regain normal tissue function. This process is called osteopathic manipulative medicine (OMM) or osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT). Where can I find a D.O.? Doctors of osteopathic medicine may be found in nearly any health care setting, from community clinics and private practices to academic medical centers. For more information visit the following links: American Osteopathic Association (AOA) Oklahoma Osteopathic Association American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO)
Call (918) 749-4668 to schedule your appointment with a D.O. who will treat you, and help you to heal and set your body back to the way it was designed.
Adapted from MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/002020.htm. 11/22/06. |
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