Medical Acupuncture of TulsaAcute and chronic pain are sometimes difficult to manage with medications alone and often lead to needless surgeries being performed in an attempt to alleviate pain without success. The physcians at Medical Acupuncture of Tulsa have been trained by the Helms Institute at UCLA Medical School to provide the most current pain control treatment options for our patients.Acupuncture is based on balance and harmony. The traditional Chinese view is that the human body is made up of complex streams of moving energy. This energy flows in channels called meridians. The energy in these meridians can become unbalanced and cause pain and dysfunction in the body. Along the acupuncture meridians are areas called acupuncture points. At these locations, the body’s energy can be harnessed and used to promote energetic harmony and balance. The result of this balance is an enhanced sense of health and well being, resolution of pain and help with chronic medical conditions. Acupuncture points are traditionally accessed by inserting specialized needles. Our physicians are dedicated to your safety and use only sterile single-use needles. Medical acupuncture can be used to help digestive, respiratory, neurological, muscular, urinary, reproductive and menstrual disorders. In addition, medical acupuncture can be highly effective at treating pain, tension, and emotional stress. It can also assist with weight loss and smoking cessation. Our physicians perform many different forms of acupuncture including needle and non-needle forms. Please visit our acupuncture site for more information. |
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