We have what you’re looking for in a medical clinic! Board certified physicians who understand that good health and pain management, starts with proper nutrition. |
Osteopathic Manipulative and Medical Treatments (OMMT) is Tulsa’s premier medical center featuring innovative alternatives to traditional medical treatment and therapy. Our board certified physicians are open minded and skilled at blending traditional care, such as prescription medications, with contemporary approaches including diet modification, acupuncture and osteopathic manipulation to provide optimal clinical results in your medical care and pain management. Our creative combination of treatments is individually developed based on your history and physical examination to provide you with the best clinical results possible. OMMT and its subdivisions, Alternatives! Medical Weight Loss and Medical Acupuncture of Tulsa are ready and waiting to help you achieve your full health potential! OMMT is the “other choice for health and well being of your mind, body, and spirit” &trade . We offer the following services:
Our site is currently undergoing reconstructive sugery please check back in the future for updates to our site!!! |
Osteopathic Manipulative
& Medical Treatments, PLLC |
© Osteopathic Manipulative & Medical Treatments, PLLC 2004-2010